Pioneering scalable and sustainable impact takes more than a vision. It takes bold, compassionate leadership. This International Women’s Day we celebrate a few of the women-led organizations we have the honor of partnering with. We honor these women and their ability to scale impact through thoughtful strategic planning, their compassion for the issues their organizations address, the communities they serve and the teams they lead.
At Briteweb, we have much respect for the game-changing work these women and their organizations do. They are just a few of the many great women in social sector leadership roles around the world. While a large percentage of nonprofit employees are women, less than half of CEO roles in the social sector are held by women, and there is room for more. We look forward to seeing the sector move toward a more representative and diverse place, as even more women rise through the ranks.

A Network for Grateful Living – Kristi Nelson
A Network for Grateful Living is a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices which inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyze the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility. They believe that the fully realized expression of our core values and mission will bring forth their vision, which is: A peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all.
Acumen – Jacqueline Novogratz
Acumen is a global community changing the way the world tackles poverty. More than two billion people around the world lack access to basic goods and services—from clean water and electricity to an education and the freedom to participate in the economy. Acumen is here to change that. Their vision is a world based on dignity, where every human being has the same opportunity. Rather than giving philanthropy away, they invest it in companies and change makers.
Black Economic Alliance – Akunna Cook
Black Economic Alliance is a coalition of business leaders and aligned advocates committed to economic progress and prosperity in the Black community with a specific focus on work, wages, and wealth. They are using their collective power and business acumen to advance policies that can and will create economic empowerment in our community.
College Advising Corps – Nicole Hurd
College Advising Corps (CAC) is a national nonprofit that works to increase the number of first-generation college going, low-income, and/or underrepresented high school students who apply, enter, and complete higher education. They place well-trained, recent college graduates as full-time college advisers in some of the most underserved communities in the United States.
DBIA – Lisa Washington
Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) brings together architects, engineers and construction professionals to access the nation’s best design-build education, professional certification, model contracts, industry networking, national conferences and awards competitions which recognize the country’s most inspiring design-build projects. DBIA exists to ensure that everyone in the community benefits from the advantages that design-build has to offer.
Fistula Foundation – Kate Grant
Fistula Foundation was founded in 2000 as an all-volunteer organization to support the pioneering Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia. Their success between 2004 and 2008 enabled them to dramatically expand their mission to fight fistula globally. As a result of this rapid expansion, they have now supported fistula treatment in 31 countries at sites on two continents, Africa and Asia.
Flamboyan Foundation – Kristin Ehrgood
Flamboyan works at the intersection of education, government, strategic philanthropy and the nonprofit sector, equipping leaders, teachers and community members to improve educational outcomes for kids. Guided by the belief that all children deserve the opportunity to live a fulfilling life, the Flamboyan Foundation works to ensure students most impacted by inequity are prepared to succeed in school and beyond.
Institute of Noetic Sciences – Claire Lachance
Institute of Noetic Sciences‘ is a research center and direct-experience lab specializing in the intersection of science and profound human experience. Their mission is to reveal the interconnected nature of reality through scientific exploration and personal discovery, creating a more compassionate, thriving, and sustainable world.
NELP – Christine L. Owens
NELP seeks to ensure that America upholds, for all workers, the promise of opportunity and economic security through work. NELP fights for policies to create good jobs, expand access to work, and strengthen protections and support for low-wage workers and unemployed workers They publish research, promote policies; lend deep legal and policy expertise to important cases and campaigns; and partner with allies to advance crucial reforms.
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors – Melissa A Berman
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is a nonprofit organization that advises on and manages more than $200 million in philanthropic annual giving by individuals, families, corporations, and major foundations. They also serve as a fiscal sponsor to more than 25 projects, providing governance, management and operational infrastructure to support their charitable initiatives.
Tides – Kriss E Deiglmeier
Tides has been a central catalyst for individuals and organizations committed to positive social change since 1976. An established philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator, Tides is dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice. Working at the nexus of an unrivaled network of funders and changemakers, they cross boundaries, embrace risk, and leverage every tool at their disposal to drive social change.
Turnaround for Children – Brigid Ahern
Turnaround for Children is a New York-based education non-profit that acts as a catalyst for change by addressing the challenges that affect schools facing adversity, particularly those in high-poverty communities. Their approach is uniquely grounded in neuroscience; based on their understanding of how trauma affects the developing brain.
Venture for America – Amy Nelson
Venture for America (VFA) is a two-year fellowship program for recent grads who want to work at a startup and create jobs in American cities. Fellows learn important startup skills at our month-long Training Camp, apply for jobs within VFA’s vetted company network, and work for two years as full-time, salaried employees in one of 14 cities. When Fellows are ready to start a company—VFA has the resources to help make that dream a reality.
Women Deliver – Katja Iversen
Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Their advocacy drives investment – political and financial – in the lives of girls and women worldwide. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, Women Deliver advocates for the rights of girls and women across every aspect of their lives.