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Your website serves a purpose.

In today’s content-driven world, your nonprofit organization’s website is so much more than a bunch of pretty pages slapped together. It’s where your digital presence converges to help you connect with your audience and achieve your mission. It’s a living, breathing manifesto of your vision for a better world.

There’s a lot that goes into making that kind of website. Here are 11 principles that we apply when we build our clients’ websites:

  • 1

    Put your users first

  • 2

    Make publishing easy

  • 3

    Lay the foundation with your brand

  • 4

    Craft an unforgettable experience through design

  • 5

    Write copy so good you dare readers to stop reading

  • 6

    Make your website accessible

  • 7

    Manage your users’ consent

  • 8

    Improve your SEO

  • 9

    Invest in proper security

  • 10

    Measure your success

  • 11

    Optimize your performance

  • 12

    Implement a strategy

1. Put your users first

I opened this article up by slamming brochure sites. They look and maybe sound pretty, they have lots of information about an organization, etc. So what’s wrong with a brochure site? 

A website is a tool. A tool somebody uses to do something specific. And, unless the majority of your audience are job seekers or compliance officers, users don’t usually wake up thinking, “I really need to learn about an organization today.” 

A successful website makes it easy for users to do what they’re trying to do. Everything that gets in their way (we call this adding friction) needs to go. This is the most fundamental principle of a website. 

If you can obsess about your users, learn what it is they want and what’s getting in their way, and constantly commit to improving their experience, your website will continue to improve.

2. Make publishing easy

The people who spend time publishing content on your site are also important users with important needs. I’ve worked for too many nonprofit organizations where every time we published a blog post, we had to manually link to it in a dozen places on the site. There was a shared list of all those places, the dimensions of the thumbnail images, the character counts for the headlines and descriptions…Making those updates took us half a day. 

This could have been done automatically with one click. 

For your website to be as successful as possible, it should be as easy as possible to update.

3. Lay the foundation with your brand

Your brand is the story of how your organization is uniting people to transform the world. It should be expressed consistently across various channels, from your social media to your real world location and yes, your website. 

It’s conveyed through your logo, colours, fonts, photography, and copy. But it’s much more than that too: it influences what ideas you’re sharing and how, the way you organize your information, and the feelings evoked when people engage with you. 

And that’s what’s important to remember: your website is just one of many touch points your audience has with your brand. 

As such, the branding work needs to come first.

Further reading: check out our series on brand strategy.

4. Craft an unforgettable experience through design

Research shows that people believe aesthetically pleasing tools are more usable. This is a phenomenon called the Aesthetic-Usability Effect.

So good design supports our first principle (i.e. put users first) but it can do so much more. It can turn a usable experience into a powerful one, one that connects with people profoundly.  

Think about a government site. These are intentionally designed with no frills. They’re meant to get out of their users’ way to let them do what they want to do as quickly as possible (not always successfully). 

But as a user, you still can’t help but think “Get me out of here.” 

Government websites are like the airports of the internet. Sure, someone may have designed them for efficiency, but they forgot to make the experience delightful and so you, the user, are miserable.

Beautiful web design keeps your users from feeling miserable.

5. Write copy so good you dare readers to stop reading

“People don’t read anymore.”

This is something I hear a lot. And it couldn’t be further from the truth. 

We actually read more than we ever have in history. Think about it: we’re constantly reading! 

What we don’t have time for is mediocre content. 

If I’m looking for information, I’m not going to waste my time reading a story about somebody’s grandma, no matter how lovely she may be (looking at you, recipes — I just want to know what temperature to set my oven at!) 

Length doesn’t matter. It’s all relative. Remember our first principle: a website is a tool, not a book. Give me the information I’m looking for, then entice me to read more.

Further reading: check out our guide for writing for the web.

6. Make your website accessible

Much of the internet, like much of the world, is built in a way that’s not inclusive or accessible for all audiences.

Accessibility is all about making sure everyone can use your tool, whether they live with a disability, have low internet connectivity, or even aren’t native speakers. 

It’s about removing barriers and making your website more usable and your content understandable. 

But here’s the other thing about accessibility: it’s better for everyone. Adding closed captioning to your videos doesn’t just benefit people who are hard of hearing, but also the dad who’s watching your video while putting his baby to sleep. Ensuring all images have captions or alt tags isn’t just for users with screen readers, but also the person who’s living somewhere with low connectivity and your image won’t load for them. Giving your text enough contrast so it stands out from the background isn’t just helpful for someone who is vision impaired but it reduces strain for even the healthiest of eyes. 

Creating an accessible world is better for everyone and it’s up to all of us.

7. Manage your users’ consent

Every website gathers information from its users. 

Now, most of us will never touch that data. But do you know who does? Google, Meta, Amazon, Apple. These companies collect lots of data from our users and they do it on our properties: our websites, our apps, our social media feeds. 

So we have a responsibility to our users: to disclose what we collect, how we collect it and what we intend to do with it. And then, most importantly, we have to give our users the choice to opt in or out of sharing their information. 

This is called consent management, and it’s a critical part of managing a website today.

8. Improve your SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is how you improve your website so users can find you when they’re looking for answers on Google (or Bing, or DuckDuckGo, or Ask Jeeves…but 95% of the time, Google). 

Today, search engines are advanced enough that you don’t have to write for robots in order to succeed. You just have to go back to our first principle: put users first

If you want your pages to show up on Google, you’ll have to first identify the questions people have on the topics you’re an expert on. Then—don’t skip this step if you want to rank—provide the best possible answers to those questions through the content you publish. 

Every other SEO activity is designed to support this.

Further reading: SEO strategies for nonprofits

9. Invest in proper security

Most organizations will not experience a significant attack or outage on their website. However, the possibility does exist and it’s not just your organization that’s at risk: it’s your users too. 

So as the manager of a website, you’ve got a responsibility to your users to ensure a safe browsing experience. Especially if you take any form of payment (you know, like donations). 

How do you do that? There are two main ways: maintenance and research. 

Doing preventative maintenance is the best way to mitigate security issues from happening. Especially breaking change issues and end-of-life of products. On top of that, plugins can contain malware so you need to do proper research to make sure that a plugin is not only maintained regularly, but also passes all the security tests to prevent data theft.

10. Measure your success

One of the wonderful things about websites is that they’re dynamic. In other, you’re not stuck with what you have until you publish a new edition. If something’s not working on your website, you can change it!

How do you know whether it’s working? By tracking your success.

Every website should set up Google Analytics (or something equivalent). This will show you what pages people are visiting, where they’re coming from, traffic flows, where they’re located, and if you have it set up properly, what significant actions they’re taking (and their pathways to those actions). You should also set up Google Search Console so you can understand what’s happening on Google and I also recommend setting up Hotjar on your most visited pages to get a sense of how users are interacting with your content there.

11. Optimize your performance

I’m sure this is getting annoying, but remember our first principle? Put users first. Your website is a tool that users use to do something. As such, we need to make sure that tool is performing to the best of its ability. 

What does that mean for websites? Load time is the most basic one that everybody can contribute to. Choose good hosting, use proper caching and upload images in the right size and format! 

Research shows that if users have to wait more than 1 second for a page to load, they’re 33% more likely to leave. And all those words and beautiful designs you’ve carefully put together will be for nothing, because nobody will see them. 

12. Implement a strategy

Everything we’ve talked about will help make your website more successful, but it’s not all or nothing.

If today your copy is not as powerful it can be, it doesn’t mean your website’s garbage. If you hate the design, you don’t have to hide your pages from the world. Just because you don’t have capacity to improve your SEO doesn’t mean you give up on the whole digital experience.

But let me recommend a starting place, no matter what state your site is in today. Now that you know all the levers you should be pulling on to improve your users’ experience, where you should start is with a clear strategy.

What is the purpose of your website? Who is it for? What problem does it solve (for your users but also for your organization)? How will you know it’s successful?

A sound strategy will guide you so you can focus on what’s most important now and tune out the rest of the noise. It will help you prioritize which of these other principles need your attention today and build a roadmap for what comes next.

A clear strategy will turn this list from overwhelming to actionable.

Bottom Line?

Your website is a vessel for change, a conduit that invites people to join you to make a difference. With these principles in hand, you can multiply your reach and amplify your impact through your website. 

By leveraging the power of your digital presence, you can transform visitors into advocates, turning your vision for a better world into a collective reality.

Or it could just sit pretty, like a brochure in a doctor’s office.


Our mission is to further yours

Are you looking for help telling your story on your website, reaching your audience and inspiring them to action? We deliver bold and thoughtful solutions for nonprofits, foundations and other organizations dedicated to social impact. Let’s get started.